Stuart Ogg

Director of Client Care

Stuart Ogg is a versatile professional with an impressive career spanning public safety and entrepreneurship. His service as a tenacious detective for a municipal Police Service is marked by intricate involvement in numerous complex investigations, leveraging his problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Transitioning to municipal fire service, Stuart showcased his bravery and commitment to the community as a resilient firefighter.

Currently, Stuart is an active real estate agent, where his rich understanding of the city and its safety dynamics from his public service roles enhance his real estate practice. Simultaneously, Stuart is managing several entrepreneurial ventures, demonstrating his innovative mindset and business acumen.

Even with his varied responsibilities, Stuart continues to serve part-time for a municipal Police Service, affirming his dedication to public safety. Stuart’s unique blend of experience in law enforcement, firefighting, real estate, and entrepreneurship not only benefits the community but also signifies his adaptability and ambition.